Persona 5 Royal Answers

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Written By Antoine Clerc-Renaud

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pulvinar ligula augue quis venenatis. 

Persona 5 Royal 20200305003111.0

In Persona 5 Royal, Knowledge is still a very important stat. Most of the classroom questions have been changed from the original game, and there’s an extra semester of school with even more questions to challenge your knowledge.

Acquiring Knowledge will help fortify your relationships with friends, and do well on examinations. A reliable way to gain Knowledge is accurately responding to the questions that teachers ask in class.

This guide to all Persona 5 Royal Answers provides the solutions to all questions and exams in Persona 5 Royal, with step by step instructions.

Table of Contents

Persona 5 Royal Answers – April classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Q: Tell me what the Devil’s Dictionary defines as the Hider factor in the progress of the human race.

A: Villains


Persona 5 Royal 20200303202700

Q: Between A and B … which line seems longer …?

A: They’re the same


Persona 5 Royal 20200303213506

Q: Between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics?

A: All of them


Persona 5 Royal 20200304103722

Q: Ann asks for help about what does the phrase “my country right or wrong” mean to convey?

A1: You unquestionably support it

A2: You have a duty to correct it


Persona 5 Royal 20200304120732

Q: Do you know the name of the theorem named after this number?

A: Four color theorem


Persona 5 Royal 20200304123028

Q1: First off, the “wunder” part probably means …?

A1: Wonder

Q2: Next, the “kind” part. That’s probably …

A2: Child

Q3: Yeah, that’s gotta be it. “Kind” means a child … or at least a young guy, in your case.

A3: A prodigy

May classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200304150431

Q: So what’s the literal translation of the phrase “femme fatale?”

A: Fatal woman


Persona 5 Royal 20200305003111

Q: You know the time period Yoshitsune was active in, don’t you?

A: The Heian period

EXAMS 5/11

Persona 5 Royal 20200305003805

Q1: What historical figure inspired “favoring the magistrate?”

A1: Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Q2: Yoshitune had a brother, right. Oh, I think his name was …

A2: Minamoto no Yoritomo

Q3: But they ended up coming into conflict. And in the end when they had to oppose each other …

A3: Yoritomo won

Q4: That’s probably because people tend to sympathize less with people in power, and sympathize more with …

A4: The weak

EXAMS 5/12

Persona 5 Royal 20200305004311

Q1: Which brain function is responsible for the phenomenon of seeing an illusion in this figure?

A1: Cognition

Q2: Which of the following maps can you paint without any adjacent areas being the same color?

A2: Both

EXAMS 5/13

Persona 5 Royal 20200305004515

Q1: Name that book that defined “male factor” as the chief factor in the progress of the human race.

A1: The Devil’s Dictionary

Q2: What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives?

A2: Femme Fatale


Persona 5 Royal 20200305012927

Q: What do we call the phenomenon where believing in a treatment’s power is enough to improve your condition?

A: The Placebo effect


Persona 5 Royal 20200305031448

Q: Which famous artist of the Edo period is said to have moved residence over 100 times?

A: Katsushika Hokusai


Persona 5 Royal 20200305105724

Q: The golden ratio is 1:1.618 but do you know the silver ratio?

A: 1:1.414


Persona 5 Royal 20200305112450

Q1: If we think about what these words have in common, then maybe “syn” means …

A1: Together

Q2: And “aisthesis,” huh? That’s a little like the word aesthetics. I wonder if it means …

A2: Senses

Q3: So that means the full word basically means…

A3: Senses coming together


Persona 5 Royal 20200306011944

Q: Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from?

A: Arthur Conan Doyle


Persona 5 Royal 20200306145327

Q: Do you know which peg-legged, parrot toting historical figure’s appearance became visual shorthand for pirates?

A: John Silver

June classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200306155306

Q: What do you think the name for the phenomenon is?

A: The halo effect


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h18m36s503

Q: The red king crab is biologically related to the hermit crab. So how is it different from a crab. Do you know?

A: The number of legs


Persona 5 Royal 20200308003056

Q: Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism?

A: Controlling Public Thought


Persona 5 Royal 20200308222722

Q: What color do you think it turns (when washing your hair with copper)

A: Green


Persona 5 Royal 20200308225522

Q: Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government?

A: Coins


Persona 5 Royal 20200309003242

Assist Ann: One of these has minor metals in it, right?

A: Smartphone


Persona 5 Royal 20200309030536

Q: Now do you know what this woman’s position was?

A: A pope


Persona 5 Royal 20200309223107

Q: Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather?

A: Dogs


Persona 5 Royal 20200309225503

Q: What do you think it says on the back of this (Shogi) piece?

A: Gold

July classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200309232337

Q: What’s the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that these dumplings’ name came from?

A: Barbarian’s Head


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h19m30s596

Q: Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who those people are?

A: Julius and Augustus


Persona 5 Royal 20200310002539

Assist Ann: So Tanabata’s about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year. It might have something to do with… ?

A1: The Milky Way

Q2: Traditional food

A2: Soumen’s noodles


Persona 5 Royal 20200310005626

Q: Do you know what shape it is?

A: A triangle


Persona 5 Royal 20200311113037

Q1: What is long-term memory, anyway?

A1: Memories that last a long time

Q2: Markus mentioned something about the amount of memories you could store, right? Something like …

A2: Infinite

Q3: If you have theoretically infinite space for them… Theoretically, you’d be able to retain them for …

A3: Forever


Persona 5 Royal 20200311114657

Q: Do you know what he did?

A: Thievery

EXAMS 7/13

Persona 5 Royal 20200311115838

Q1: If angle C is 28 degrees, and angles A and D are 88 degrees, what is the angle of B and E?

A1: 64 degrees

Q2: I think this came up in class. They were invented by the campus’s guy from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right?

A2: Zhuge Liang

Q3: And they were offering something to quell the river …

A3: Barbarians’ heads

Q4: This master strategist came up with the baozi to

A4: To offer them instead of heads

EXAMS 7/14

Persona 5 Royal 20200311120446

Q1: What is the name and genus of this organism?

A1: Red King Crab (Paralithodes)

Q2: What happened when the government issued paper and hard currencies in Japan for the first time?

A2: It caused confusion in the economy

EXAMS 7/15

Persona 5 Royal 20200311120718

Q1: What is the English equivalent of the Norwegian idiom “raining witches?”

A1: Raining cats and dogs

Q2: Which of the following is another name for spikenard noodles traditionally eaten in Tanabata?

A2: Demon guts

September classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200316004537

Q: Each hand in this famous statue means something, but … do you know what the right represents?

A: Prosperity


Persona 5 Royal 20200316011522

Q: Do you know the name of that phenomenon where the second hand looks like it’s stopped moving?

A: Chronostasis


Persona 5 Royal 20200316103913

Q: What does a pawn shop offer that a secondhand shop doesn’t?

A: Money loans for collateral


Persona 5 Royal 20200316110802

Q: What’s one of the supposed origins for the phrase “cat got your tongue?”

A: Cats eating human tongues


Persona 5 Royal 20200317011010

Q: Robot comes from a word in Czech … but where in Europe is the Czech Republic located?

A: Central Europe


Persona 5 Royal 20200317013230

Q: How many white and black shapes are there respectively on a soccer ball?

A: 20 white, 12 black


Persona 5 Royal 20200317184934

Q1: So “PVS,” referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off… What’s the P?

A1: Phantom

Q2: The next part is the V part. That means it’d be “phantom…” what?

A2: Vibration

Q3: Last is the S. So if we have “phantom vibration” so far…?

A3: Syndrome


Persona 5 Royal 20200317205452

Q: But the fishermen of Nagaragawa are actually civil servants as well. So, tell me which sector they belong to.

A: Imperial Household Agency

October classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200318120015

Q: If we use “three watermelons in the sun” to visualize a certain matter’s size against the universe’s, what are the melons?

A: Stars


Persona 5 Royal 20200318124053

Q: Now, do you know who invented this instrument? (Guillotine)

A: Joseph-Ignace Guillotine


Persona 5 Royal 20200318133054

Q: Which name was most commonly ascribed to shape B?

A: Bouba

EXAMS 10/17

Persona 5 Royal 20200318145729

Q1: Counting both black and white surfaces, how many surfaces are there in total on a soccer ball?

A1: 32 surfaces

Q2: Didn’t the teacher say that the number of colors used to be different? Do you remember?

A2: It used to be one color

Q3: Oh yeah, I remember. I think she said that unlike now, soccer games were broadcast with …

A3: Black and white picture

EXAMS 10/18

Persona 5 Royal 20200318150241

Q1: Who conducted executions using this device?

A1: Charles-Henri Sanson

Q2: What is the reason that most people can not become a commercial fisherman of Nagarasawa?

A2: It’s a hereditary profession

EXAMS 10/19

Persona 5 Royal 20200318150538

Q1: What is the meaning of “robota,” the etymological root of “robot”

A1: Slave labor

Q2: Which of the following describes the density of the stars in outer space?

A2: 3 bees in all of Europe


Persona 5 Royal 20200318154431

Q: Now, tell me the total count for each column in this magic square.

A: 15


Persona 5 Royal 20200318180402

Q: From a psychological standpoint, what’s a key reason our memories can differ from reality?

A: Memory Bias

November classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200318211046

Q: Can you tell me the meaning of the word “wack” in Thieves’ Cant?

A: A share of stolen goods


Persona 5 Royal 20200318225018

Q: Clubs is a club, diamond is a gem, so what does a spade represent?

A: A sword


Persona 5 Royal 20200318234324

Q: Tell me how old you have to be to listen in on a trial?

A: Any age


Persona 5 Royal 20200319000230

Q: Do you know why it’s missing in the character for crow?

A: Crow eyes are hard to see


Persona 5 Royal 20200319002739

Q: I wonder. Do you know why voices sound so different over the phone?

A: Because the voice is synthetic.


Persona 5 Royal 20200319004431

Q: Tell me why that is? (Sun rising over Mt. Fuji)

A: Because of high altitude


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h20m53s708

Q: He was to be paraded through the city and punished in a very particular way. How was he punished? (Nezumi Kozo)

A: His head was put on display


Persona 5 Royal 20200319024944

Q: Do you know the name for this graph? Your hint is “snails” …

A: Cochleoid

December classroom answers Persona 5 Royal

Exams 12/20

Persona 5 Royal 20200322212123

Q1: Choose the graph which is named after the Chinese yoyo known as a diabolo.

A1: D

Q2: He was a really famous thief in the Edo period, right? How much money did he steal, in the end?

A2: Over one billion yen

Q3: As a result he was sentenced to …

A3: Having his head displayed

Q4: Criminals, especially famous criminals, were mostly parades around for …

A4: A performance

Exams 12/21

Persona 5 Royal 20200322212716

Q1: Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail?

A1: Hearts

Q2: According to Japanese judicial law, what is possible for even an infant to do in court?

A2: Attend

Exams 12/22

Persona 5 Royal 20200322213057

Q1: What country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a “prime minister in black?”

A1: Japan

Q2: The Japanese word “dokyuu” translates to “massive.” What English word inspired the initial “do” in dokyuu?

A2: Dreadnought

January classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h04m49s651

Assist Ann 1: What’s this phrase supposed to illustrate about the gods of Shinto?

A1: How numerous they are

Assist Ann 2: What’s the phrase again? The one about how many gods there are in Shinto?

A2: The Eight Million Gods


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h05m54s910

Q: Where do you think the fictional land of “Ihatov” is modeled after?

A: Iwate


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h07m12s255

Q: What did the word awful originally mean?

A: Impressive


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h07m45s208

Q: Do you know what she’s stepping on?

A: A snake


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h08m55s882

Q1: What does that mean when describing a person? (Sweet)

A1: Kind-hearted

Q2: So what kind of connotation would “salty” have in that context?

A2: Negative

Q3: So with all of that in mind, “salty” probably means …

A3: Resentful


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h09m56s024

Q: How far did this study suggest personal happiness can spread?

A: To friends of friends of friends

April classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Q: Tell me what the Devil’s Dictionary defines as the Hider factor in the progress of the human race.

A: Villains


Persona 5 Royal 20200303202700

Q: Between A and B … which line seems longer …?

A: They’re the same


Persona 5 Royal 20200303213506

Q: Between music, theater, and chariot racing, which sport did Nero win when he participated in the Olympics?

A: All of them


Persona 5 Royal 20200304103722

Q: Ann asks for help about what does the phrase “my country right or wrong” mean to convey?

A1: You unquestionably support it

A2: You have a duty to correct it


Persona 5 Royal 20200304120732

Q: Do you know the name of the theorem named after this number?

A: Four color theorem


Persona 5 Royal 20200304123028

Q1: First off, the “wunder” part probably means …?

A1: Wonder

Q2: Next, the “kind” part. That’s probably …

A2: Child

Q3: Yeah, that’s gotta be it. “Kind” means a child … or at least a young guy, in your case.

A3: A prodigy

May classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200304150431

Q: So what’s the literal translation of the phrase “femme fatale?”

A: Fatal woman


Persona 5 Royal 20200305003111

Q: You know the time period Yoshitsune was active in, don’t you?

A: The Heian period

EXAMS 5/11

Persona 5 Royal 20200305003805

Q1: What historical figure inspired “favoring the magistrate?”

A1: Minamoto no Yoshitsune

Q2: Yoshitune had a brother, right. Oh, I think his name was …

A2: Minamoto no Yoritomo

Q3: But they ended up coming into conflict. And in the end when they had to oppose each other …

A3: Yoritomo won

Q4: That’s probably because people tend to sympathize less with people in power, and sympathize more with …

A4: The weak

EXAMS 5/12

Persona 5 Royal 20200305004311

Q1: Which brain function is responsible for the phenomenon of seeing an illusion in this figure?

A1: Cognition

Q2: Which of the following maps can you paint without any adjacent areas being the same color?

A2: Both

EXAMS 5/13

Persona 5 Royal 20200305004515

Q1: Name that book that defined “male factor” as the chief factor in the progress of the human race.

A1: The Devil’s Dictionary

Q2: What character archetype refers to a mysterious and seductive woman, typically with ulterior motives?

A2: Femme Fatale


Persona 5 Royal 20200305012927

Q: What do we call the phenomenon where believing in a treatment’s power is enough to improve your condition?

A: The Placebo effect


Persona 5 Royal 20200305031448

Q: Which famous artist of the Edo period is said to have moved residence over 100 times?

A: Katsushika Hokusai


Persona 5 Royal 20200305105724

Q: The golden ratio is 1:1.618 but do you know the silver ratio?

A: 1:1.414


Persona 5 Royal 20200305112450

Q1: If we think about what these words have in common, then maybe “syn” means …

A1: Together

Q2: And “aisthesis,” huh? That’s a little like the word aesthetics. I wonder if it means …

A2: Senses

Q3: So that means the full word basically means…

A3: Senses coming together


Persona 5 Royal 20200306011944

Q: Do you know which author Leblanc borrowed from?

A: Arthur Conan Doyle


Persona 5 Royal 20200306145327

Q: Do you know which peg-legged, parrot toting historical figure’s appearance became visual shorthand for pirates?

A: John Silver

June classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200306155306

Q: What do you think the name for the phenomenon is?

A: The halo effect


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h18m36s503

Q: The red king crab is biologically related to the hermit crab. So how is it different from a crab. Do you know?

A: The number of legs


Persona 5 Royal 20200308003056

Q: Where does totalitarianism take things a step further than authoritarianism?

A: Controlling Public Thought


Persona 5 Royal 20200308222722

Q: What color do you think it turns (when washing your hair with copper)

A: Green


Persona 5 Royal 20200308225522

Q: Between paper bills and coins, which one is issued by the government?

A: Coins


Persona 5 Royal 20200309003242

Assist Ann: One of these has minor metals in it, right?

A: Smartphone


Persona 5 Royal 20200309030536

Q: Now do you know what this woman’s position was?

A: A pope


Persona 5 Royal 20200309223107

Q: Which of these animals is involved in an English idiom about the weather?

A: Dogs


Persona 5 Royal 20200309225503

Q: What do you think it says on the back of this (Shogi) piece?

A: Gold

July classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200309232337

Q: What’s the meaning of the original Chinese phrase that these dumplings’ name came from?

A: Barbarian’s Head


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h19m30s596

Q: Two people are responsible for July and August having 31 days. Do you know who those people are?

A: Julius and Augustus


Persona 5 Royal 20200310002539

Assist Ann: So Tanabata’s about gods crossing a starry sky to reunite once every year. It might have something to do with… ?

A1: The Milky Way

Q2: Traditional food

A2: Soumen’s noodles


Persona 5 Royal 20200310005626

Q: Do you know what shape it is?

A: A triangle


Persona 5 Royal 20200311113037

Q1: What is long-term memory, anyway?

A1: Memories that last a long time

Q2: Markus mentioned something about the amount of memories you could store, right? Something like …

A2: Infinite

Q3: If you have theoretically infinite space for them… Theoretically, you’d be able to retain them for …

A3: Forever


Persona 5 Royal 20200311114657

Q: Do you know what he did?

A: Thievery

EXAMS 7/13

Persona 5 Royal 20200311115838

Q1: If angle C is 28 degrees, and angles A and D are 88 degrees, what is the angle of B and E?

A1: 64 degrees

Q2: I think this came up in class. They were invented by the campus’s guy from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, right?

A2: Zhuge Liang

Q3: And they were offering something to quell the river …

A3: Barbarians’ heads

Q4: This master strategist came up with the baozi to

A4: To offer them instead of heads

EXAMS 7/14

Persona 5 Royal 20200311120446

Q1: What is the name and genus of this organism?

A1: Red King Crab (Paralithodes)

Q2: What happened when the government issued paper and hard currencies in Japan for the first time?

A2: It caused confusion in the economy

EXAMS 7/15

Persona 5 Royal 20200311120718

Q1: What is the English equivalent of the Norwegian idiom “raining witches?”

A1: Raining cats and dogs

Q2: Which of the following is another name for spikenard noodles traditionally eaten in Tanabata?

A2: Demon guts

September classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200316004537

Q: Each hand in this famous statue means something, but … do you know what the right represents?

A: Prosperity


Persona 5 Royal 20200316011522

Q: Do you know the name of that phenomenon where the second hand looks like it’s stopped moving?

A: Chronostasis


Persona 5 Royal 20200316103913

Q: What does a pawn shop offer that a secondhand shop doesn’t?

A: Money loans for collateral


Persona 5 Royal 20200316110802

Q: What’s one of the supposed origins for the phrase “cat got your tongue?”

A: Cats eating human tongues


Persona 5 Royal 20200317011010

Q: Robot comes from a word in Czech … but where in Europe is the Czech Republic located?

A: Central Europe


Persona 5 Royal 20200317013230

Q: How many white and black shapes are there respectively on a soccer ball?

A: 20 white, 12 black


Persona 5 Royal 20200317184934

Q1: So “PVS,” referring to when you mistakenly think your phone is going off… What’s the P?

A1: Phantom

Q2: The next part is the V part. That means it’d be “phantom…” what?

A2: Vibration

Q3: Last is the S. So if we have “phantom vibration” so far…?

A3: Syndrome


Persona 5 Royal 20200317205452

Q: But the fishermen of Nagaragawa are actually civil servants as well. So, tell me which sector they belong to.

A: Imperial Household Agency

October classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200318120015

Q: If we use “three watermelons in the sun” to visualize a certain matter’s size against the universe’s, what are the melons?

A: Stars


Persona 5 Royal 20200318124053

Q: Now, do you know who invented this instrument? (Guillotine)

A: Joseph-Ignace Guillotine


Persona 5 Royal 20200318133054

Q: Which name was most commonly ascribed to shape B?

A: Bouba

EXAMS 10/17

Persona 5 Royal 20200318145729

Q1: Counting both black and white surfaces, how many surfaces are there in total on a soccer ball?

A1: 32 surfaces

Q2: Didn’t the teacher say that the number of colors used to be different? Do you remember?

A2: It used to be one color

Q3: Oh yeah, I remember. I think she said that unlike now, soccer games were broadcast with …

A3: Black and white picture

EXAMS 10/18

Persona 5 Royal 20200318150241

Q1: Who conducted executions using this device?

A1: Charles-Henri Sanson

Q2: What is the reason that most people can not become a commercial fisherman of Nagarasawa?

A2: It’s a hereditary profession

EXAMS 10/19

Persona 5 Royal 20200318150538

Q1: What is the meaning of “robota,” the etymological root of “robot”

A1: Slave labor

Q2: Which of the following describes the density of the stars in outer space?

A2: 3 bees in all of Europe


Persona 5 Royal 20200318154431

Q: Now, tell me the total count for each column in this magic square.

A: 15


Persona 5 Royal 20200318180402

Q: From a psychological standpoint, what’s a key reason our memories can differ from reality?

A: Memory Bias

November classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


Persona 5 Royal 20200318211046

Q: Can you tell me the meaning of the word “wack” in Thieves’ Cant?

A: A share of stolen goods


Persona 5 Royal 20200318225018

Q: Clubs is a club, diamond is a gem, so what does a spade represent?

A: A sword


Persona 5 Royal 20200318234324

Q: Tell me how old you have to be to listen in on a trial?

A: Any age


Persona 5 Royal 20200319000230

Q: Do you know why it’s missing in the character for crow?

A: Crow eyes are hard to see


Persona 5 Royal 20200319002739

Q: I wonder. Do you know why voices sound so different over the phone?

A: Because the voice is synthetic.


Persona 5 Royal 20200319004431

Q: Tell me why that is? (Sun rising over Mt. Fuji)

A: Because of high altitude


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h20m53s708

Q: He was to be paraded through the city and punished in a very particular way. How was he punished? (Nezumi Kozo)

A: His head was put on display


Persona 5 Royal 20200319024944

Q: Do you know the name for this graph? Your hint is “snails” …

A: Cochleoid

December classroom answers Persona 5 Royal

Exams 12/20

Persona 5 Royal 20200322212123

Q1: Choose the graph which is named after the Chinese yoyo known as a diabolo.

A1: D

Q2: He was a really famous thief in the Edo period, right? How much money did he steal, in the end?

A2: Over one billion yen

Q3: As a result he was sentenced to …

A3: Having his head displayed

Q4: Criminals, especially famous criminals, were mostly parades around for …

A4: A performance

Exams 12/21

Persona 5 Royal 20200322212716

Q1: Which suit of cards represents the Holy Grail?

A1: Hearts

Q2: According to Japanese judicial law, what is possible for even an infant to do in court?

A2: Attend

Exams 12/22

Persona 5 Royal 20200322213057

Q1: What country refers to a person who controls politics behind the scenes as a “prime minister in black?”

A1: Japan

Q2: The Japanese word “dokyuu” translates to “massive.” What English word inspired the initial “do” in dokyuu?

A2: Dreadnought

January classroom answers Persona 5 Royal


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h04m49s651

Assist Ann 1: What’s this phrase supposed to illustrate about the gods of Shinto?

A1: How numerous they are

Assist Ann 2: What’s the phrase again? The one about how many gods there are in Shinto?

A2: The Eight Million Gods


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h05m54s910

Q: Where do you think the fictional land of “Ihatov” is modeled after?

A: Iwate


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h07m12s255

Q: What did the word awful originally mean?

A: Impressive


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h07m45s208

Q: Do you know what she’s stepping on?

A: A snake


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h08m55s882

Q1: What does that mean when describing a person? (Sweet)

A1: Kind-hearted

Q2: So what kind of connotation would “salty” have in that context?

A2: Negative

Q3: So with all of that in mind, “salty” probably means …

A3: Resentful


D2 PC Osiris2020 03 27 13h09m56s024

Q: How far did this study suggest personal happiness can spread?

A: To friends of friends of friends

Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal is here! The newest edition of the popular game has arrived and it’s bringing with it a brand new take on gaming. If you thought just playing games was boring, think again – Persona 5 Royal promises to be an unforgettable experience. With its captivating storyline, revolutionary graphics, and innovative gameplay mechanics, this game will have your head spinning in no time.

But don’t let all that talk fool ya, there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to this title. It goes beyond simply being a great looking video game; it’s become an art form. From its unique characters and settings to its sophisticated dialogue and gripping music, Persona 5 Royal takes players into a world they never knew existed. Every aspect of the game is carefully crafted to create an immersive experience unlike anything else out there.

So if you’re ready for something different, get ready for the ultimate journey: Persona 5 Royal awaits! Whether you’re a veteran player or someone who hasn’t even seen a PlayStation before, prepare yourself for one wild ride as you explore the depths of what this incredible title has to offer.

Overview Of Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 Royal, an updated version of the game Persona 5 and a part of the beloved Shin Megami Tensei series, is taking gamers by storm. It’s been lauded as one of the best games in the gaming industry for its incredible visuals and captivating story full of intense emotions – both good and bad.

Time travel back to modern-day Tokyo where you take on the role of Joker, a high school student who has inherited mysterious powers from his lineage that allow him to enter people’s hearts through supernatural means. With these abilities, he must form relationships with other students at his academy in order to gain strength against enemies called Shadows that threaten humanity. What makes this game so special isn’t just its vibrant aesthetic but also its ability to touch us emotionally – it’s like retracing our own journey through life’s struggles while having fun!

The moral ambiguity in Persona 5 Royal can be seen throughout the entire experience; you’ll find yourself questioning right versus wrong and often feeling lost between them. There are plenty of opportunities to make choices that will impact your destiny and those around you, which is why playing this game feels like being thrown into a time machine where we get to relive our lives all over again – albeit with different consequences depending on how we act. This is what gives us more reason than ever before to go back and replay parts or even start anew: because no two playthroughs will ever be alike!

No matter how many times you dive into Persona 5 Royal, there’s always something new waiting for you around every corner. Whether it’s discovering powerful Personas that help you battle foes or uncovering hidden secrets about characters’ pasts — players will never run out of things to explore within their world. And if it wasn’t enough already, there are now added features such as additional storyline paths and locations available only in this updated version! So don’t miss out on your chance to live another life – jump in today and see what surprises await!

Persona 5 Royal Characters And Systems

Once upon a time, there was an adventure that began in the heart of Tokyo. A group of adventurers set out on a heroic journey to battle their inner demons and discover themselves along the way. As they progressed through their quest, they encountered many people who helped them grow as individuals and gain strength from each other.

These heroes are part of Persona 5 Royal, which is filled with colorful characters and systems that help players shape the story’s outcome. The main character is Joker, who serves as the leader for his gang known as Phantom Thieves—each member has unique personalities and special abilities. Each character also represents a different arcana, one of 22 tarot cards used by fortune-tellers to read someone’s future or reveal hidden knowledge. These represent elements like justice, death, love, strength and more; traits that can be seen in every character within this game.

Persona 5 Royal also features various systems such as Social Links and Confidants that allow players to build relationships and progress through the game together. By completing tasks assigned by confidants throughout the game world, players earn rewards while deepening friendships with these characters. With all these tools combined, it allows users to create stories tailored to their own playstyle – creating an experience where no two playthroughs will ever be exactly alike .

The adventures found in Persona 5 Royal offer us a powerful opportunity: to explore ourselves deeply so we may understand our strengths better than before. Through understanding comes growth: something we need if we wish to realize our ambitions or accept life’s challenges head-on. We must use this chance wisely so we can confidently face whatever lies ahead on our path forward into destiny – not just those found within this extraordinary game world but those lurking around any corner of reality too!

Persona 5 Royal Story And Plot

The Persona 5 Royal story is an epic journey of self-discovery and growth, full of thrilling plot twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It begins with our protagonist, Akira Kurusu, who has been transferred to Shujin Academy in Tokyo after being wrongfully accused of a crime he didn’t commit. From there, his newly acquired persona powers allow him to explore the mysterious “Metaverse” – a world where people’s mental state manifests itself as palaces filled with dangerous Shadows.

As Akira navigates through this strange new world and meets a group of likeminded individuals called The Phantom Thieves of Hearts, they come up against various villains whose distorted desires must be confronted if they hope to save society from corruption. Their mission? To change the hearts of those responsible for wrongdoing by stealing their ill-gotten treasures. Together, they set out on a daring quest to take back what was taken and put things right again – all while having some fun along the way!

But not all is smooth sailing for our brave heroes; They soon discover that behind every palace lies another enemy waiting for them and each one more powerful than before. Will these unlikely allies prevail or will their enemies prove too strong? With danger lurking around every corner, it’s up to them to find out if justice truly prevails in the end. As we embark on this wild ride together let us remember: When life throws tough challenges at us, sometimes just taking action can make all the difference in the world.

Persona 5 Royal Gameplay Mechanics

Persona 5 Royal is an enhanced version of the original Persona 5 game with new content and mechanics. The gameplay follows a similar pattern to the original, giving players control over the Phantom Thieves’ actions during their time at Tokyo’s Shujin Academy. Players can explore various locations around Tokyo while completing sidequests, building relationships, collecting Personas through battles or negotiation, and engaging in turn-based combat against enemies.

One of the major changes introduced in Persona 5 Royal are its expanded battle features. Several powerful new allies have been added to the party and each character has access to unique abilities called “Showtimes” which allow them to team up for special attacks that do extra damage depending on how well they cooperate. Additionally, there are now more opportunities available to exploit enemy weaknesses by using Baton Passes which will grant additional turns when used correctly.

The Confidant system has also undergone several updates such as having your confidants appear outside of school hours and even granting bonuses when you reach certain levels with them. This opens up new possibilities for making progress in dungeon crawling sections as previously inaccessible areas may become easier due to increased stats gained from interacting with confidants. Furthermore, personas now have access to skills that can be inherited from other personas so that variety increases exponentially allowing for stronger teams overall.

Overall, Persona 5 Royal brings plenty of improvements to both its story elements and core gameplay systems creating an experience that remains exciting throughout all 100+ hours of playtime!

Persona 5 Royal Combat And Exploration

Exploring and battling through the world of ‘Persona 5 Royal’ is an exciting experience, but many people are hesitant to take on this task. They worry that it’s too difficult or time-consuming – but nothing could be further from the truth! With its intuitive combat system, exploring every nook and cranny in each location becomes a thrilling adventure.

The game encourages you to explore your surroundings as you battle enemies. You’ll discover hidden items and secret passages while discovering new areas of the map. The turn-based battles give players plenty of time to strategize their moves while they make use of their personas’ special abilities. This makes fighting much more interesting than just spamming attacks until your opponent falls down! And with all these different elements combined, there’s always something new to uncover around every corner – making exploration feel like less of a chore and more like a fun challenge.

But how do you know when it’s best to fight or run away? That’s where Persona 5 Royal’s “Baton Pass” feature comes in handy: by passing the baton between team members, you can create powerful combos for even greater damage against enemies. Plus, if your characters are strong enough, you might even earn some bonus rewards after defeating them! With so much going on during fights and exploration alike, Persona 5 Royal offers endless possibilities for players to customize their own journey within its vibrant landscapes.

It’s no wonder why fans keep coming back for more; with its engaging combat system and rewarding exploration mechanics, ‘Persona 5 Royal’ provides an entertaining experience that never gets old. Whether you’re looking for action-packed battles or peaceful treks through stunning settings – this game has got it all! There’s no doubt that taking part in this riveting role-playing adventure will leave you wanting more.

Persona 5 Royal’s Social Links and Confidants offer an incredible opportunity for players to explore the game more deeply. Throughout Persona 5 Royal, you will come into contact with a variety of people who have their own stories and personalities – each one unique in its own way. These characters can be befriended through social links known as confidants, which provide rewards that enhance your character’s abilities when maxed out.

Social Linking allows players to become closer friends with members from all walks of life beyond just characters in the main story arc. As you get to know them better, there are various opportunities for interaction such as: making conversation choices, engaging in activities together or answering questions about yourself. With these activities, you build up points over time that help deepen your relationship and eventually unlock powerful bonuses! Here are some key benefits of increasing your Social Links/Confidants levels:

  • Increased experience points at the end of battles
  • Ability to purchase items at discounted prices
  • Access to special dialogues and requests throughout the game

Exploring Persona 5 Royal’s social links is incredibly rewarding because it helps shape how the rest of the game progresses. You’ll gain insight into why certain characters behave in specific ways, allowing you to form opinions on whether they’re good or bad people based off what you learn about them throughout conversations. Additionally, deepening relationships with confidants often unlocks new powers related to their Arcana – like gaining access to higher level Personas for battle use or being able to fuse rarer ones than usual. All this makes spending time socializing feel worth it even if it takes away from other aspects of gameplay!

Persona 5 Royal Music And Art

The music and art of Persona 5 Royal are incredibly important in the game’s overall experience. It plays a huge role in setting the atmosphere for both dungeons and social links, as well as helping to convey certain emotions or plot points during story scenes. For example, when players first enter the Velvet Room at the start of their journey, they are met with an ethereal piano piece that immediately sets the tone for what is to come.

Additionally, Persona 5 Royal features some beautiful artwork throughout its world. From character design to iconic backdrops like Tokyo Tower and Shibuya Crossing, there is plenty to appreciate from an artistic perspective. The art style manages to capture a unique blend of modern day Japan while also giving off a distinct anime vibe that stands out among other games on the market.

Finally, it is worth noting that one aspect of Persona 5 Royal’s soundtrack and art stand out above all else: its attention to detail. Every single track has been carefully crafted and every image lovingly drawn – truly a testament to how much care was put into creating this title. TIP: Make sure you take your time exploring each area of Persona 5 Royal so you can fully appreciate all of these aspects!

Persona 5 Royal Dlc And Expansion Packs

Persona 5 Royal is a highly acclaimed JRPG game that has recently been released to much fanfare. With its beloved characters, intriguing story, and exciting gameplay, it’s no wonder the game has become so popular. But what makes Persona 5 Royal even more appealing are the downloadable content (DLC) and expansion packs that have been made available for purchase.

The DLCs include additional costumes and accessories for the main cast of Phantom Thieves as well as unique items such as new weapons and armor. These items can be used in battles or simply just for show – either way, they add an extra layer of personalization to your gaming experience. As for expansions packs, these offer brand new areas to explore, complete with fresh dungeons, bosses and side quests to take on. Plus, you’ll gain access to powerful Personas not found in the original base game!

These added features make Persona 5 Royal an enjoyable adventure every time you play; if you’re looking for something different each playthrough then these extras will really help keep your gaming sessions interesting. The DLCs provide plenty of customizability while the expansion packs give players a whole new world to discover – both are great additions that round out this already phenomenal title.

Comparison Between Persona 5 And Persona 5 Royal

Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal have sent shockwaves throughout the gaming community with their exceptional gameplay, visuals, story-telling, and overall experience. It’s almost impossible to compare these two masterpieces; they are both so groundbreaking! But if you’ve played one of them and want to know what all the fuss is about in the other game, here’s a quick comparison that will blow your mind away:

Firstly, both games feature an amazing cast of characters that each bring something special to the table. However, Persona 5 Royal adds several new characters as well as some additional dialogue for existing ones which gives it more depth than its predecessor. Secondly, there are many more activities available in P5R such as puzzles and minigames which make exploration much more rewarding.

Thirdly, the game environment has been improved significantly with more detailed textures and better lighting effects making every area feel alive. Finally, players can expect much longer playtime from Persona 5 Royal due to extra content being added over time like DLC packs and expansions.

The difference between playing either title is night and day – when compared side by side it becomes clear why fans gravitate towards P5R despite its predecessor’s excellence. Not only does it offer a unique blend of elements but also provides a rich atmosphere filled with fun surprises around every corner – enough to keep you hooked for days on end without ever feeling bored! With an abundance of hidden secrets just waiting for discovery, returning players who loved Persona 5 will find even more reasons to fall head over heels for this spectacular sequel!

Persona 5 Royal Reception And Reviews

Persona 5 Royal, the latest installment in the popular Persona franchise, has been nothing short of a revelation. After months of anticipation and hype, it’s finally here with an abundance of new features that have delighted fans around the world. Critics are hailing P5R as one of the best games ever released on current-gen consoles; its unique blend of RPG elements and stylish visuals make for an unforgettable experience.

P5R is chock full of exciting content, from new characters to additional dungeons and story arcs. Players will find themselves completely immersed in its vibrant world; they’ll be able to build relationships with their comrades while also battling monsters in turn-based combat. The game even includes some quality-of-life improvements such as increased difficulty options and a revamped UI that make it more accessible for newcomers.

The overall reception has been overwhelmingly positive so far, with many praising its narrative depth and attention to detail. Its soundtrack is praised highly too, featuring both returning favourites alongside fresh compositions that capture the essence of each scene perfectly. With all these factors combined together, it’s easy to see why this game continues to receive glowing reviews from both critics and players alike.

It’s clear then that Persona 5 Royal offers something truly special for everyone who plays it – whether you’re a series veteran or just looking for something different. There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that this masterpiece will go down as one of the greatest RPGs ever made – those lucky enough to play it can look forward to hours upon hours of entertainment!

Persona 5 Royal Tips And Strategies

Persona 5 Royal is a role-playing game filled with incredible characters, exciting battles and captivating storylines. With its intricate mechanics, it can be overwhelming to the new player. Fortunately, there are some key tips and strategies that will help you make the most of your experience in this world.

First off, understand each character’s strengths and weaknesses so that you can develop their skills accordingly. Each phantom thief has unique abilities and playstyles; take time to explore them all to find out which works best for your strategy. Additionally, gain an understanding of what enemies are weak against by paying attention to damage numbers when attacking them. This knowledge will prove invaluable during fights as it allows you to effectively target enemy weaknesses.

Another important tip is to prioritize building relationships with confidants – not only do these NPCs provide powerful bonuses but they also offer interesting story arcs that expand on each Phantom Thief’s backstories further enhancing your experience. Moreover, focus on increasing money through activities such as fishing or negotiation mini-games while avoiding spending unnecessarily as money becomes tight near the endgame content.

Lastly, approach every situation carefully because certain decisions have far-reaching consequences including ending up in jail if caught stealing in real life! To this end, always plan ahead before attempting any heist mission so that everything goes right according to plan without any unexpected hiccups along the way:

  1. Understand each character’s strengths and weaknesses
  2. Learn enemy weaknesses
  3. Prioritize Confidant relationships
  4. Increase money strategically
  5. Plan ahead before undertaking risky missions
  6. Equip the right gear for each mission.

Persona 5 Royal Trophies And Achievements

Persona 5 Royal has an abundance of trophies and achievements for players to earn, making it one of the most rewarding titles in the series. According to PlayStation Network’s Trophy Stats, almost 20% of Persona 5 Royal players have achieved the coveted Platinum trophy. That means that over 400 thousand people have successfully conquered this challenging game!

It’s no surprise that so many gamers are eagerly going after every single trophy available in P5R; some trophies offer more than just a sense of accomplishment. For example, getting all three endings will unlock special rewards like costumes and personas – which can be very useful if you want to add extra flair or power up your team when tackling tough enemies.

But there’s also plenty of other reasons why achieving all those trophies is worth striving for. Collecting them can take considerable time but gives a great incentive to explore all areas of the game world. Not only do they provide bragging rights among friends, they also grant access to valuable bonus content such as concept artwork and exclusive music tracks.

So if you’re looking for ways to make your gaming experience even better, pursuing various trophies and achievements should definitely be on top of your list! With its amazing story, incredible characters, and vast array of activities – not to mention a generous helping of awards – Persona 5 Royal is sure to give any player hours upon hours of fun trying to obtain them all.

Persona 5 Royal Mods And Cheats

Ah, the secrets of Persona 5 Royal Mods and Cheats. With these genius hacks, you too can become a master thief of game-play. Just imagine being able to unlock all those secret characters that everyone’s been talking about! Well now it’s possible with just one click of your mouse – no more hours spent grinding away in search for them!

You may be asking yourself: ‘But who are these mysterious persons behind the curtain?’ To answer this question, we must first look at what makes mods and cheats so enticing. It’s simple really; they’re shortcuts that allow us to bypass typical levels of difficulty or complexity experienced when playing games. By using them, gamers can progress much faster than before, allowing for time savings that would otherwise have been dedicated to tedious tasks like farming materials or repeating bosses multiple times. Plus, let’s not forget the added feeling of satisfaction from being able to outwit other players by exploiting weaknesses within the game mechanics themselves.

With such powerful tools at our disposal, why aren’t more people taking advantage? The truth is there is still a stigma attached to cheating in videogames – something which puts many off even attempting it. But as attitudes evolve and technology advances further, I’m sure we’ll soon see an influx of newbies eager to get their hands on some sweet modded goodness. After all, who doesn’t love getting something they don’t deserve?

In short then: if you want to start gaming like a pro without having to put in too much effort then perhaps it might be worth considering investing in some well-crafted cheats and/or mods for your favourite titles — because let’s face it; sometimes winning feels way better when you know you didn’t play fair… …but be sure to use them responsibly, as cheating can have negative consequences and may even result in your account being permanently banned.

Persona 5 Royal Merchandise And Collectibles

Persona 5 Royal has taken the gaming world by storm, captivating audiences and becoming an instant classic. With its vibrant characters, gripping story and fresh soundtrack, it is no wonder that people are clamoring to get their hands on all of the amazing merchandise and collectibles that come with this game. From action figures to cosplay accessories and even replica weapons from the game itself, there’s something for everyone who loves Persona 5 Royal!

For those looking to show off their passion for the game in a more tangible way, there’s plenty of apparel available too – choose between stylish jackets or t-shirts featuring your favorite characters from the game. You can also find jewelry like rings or necklaces inspired by elements from the game as well as other items such as mugs, phone cases and stickers. And if you want to go one step further, why not pick up a plush toy of Morgana or Ryuji? These make great presents (or treats) for yourself or someone else who loves P5R just as much as you do.

And last but definitely not least we have toys – action figures ranging from all sizes with various levels of detail depending on how deep into collecting you want to go. There’s also statues which capture some truly iconic moments from throughout the narrative – perfect for showing off your fandom within your home or office space. Whether you’re new to collecting figurines or already own several dozen different pieces, these officially licensed products will be sure to stand out among any collection!

No matter what kind of fan you may be, there’s something here that’ll suit all tastes when it comes to expressing your love for Persona 5 Royal through merchandise and collectibles – so take some time today and see what catches your eye!

Persona 5 Royal Community And Online Support

Persona 5 Royal has been a smash hit with the gaming community, selling over 6 million units worldwide – making it one of the most popular Persona games to date. The support and online presence for this game is nothing short of amazing, with passionate fans creating content around the world that celebrates the unique style and story of P5R. From streamers to cosplayers to fan-art creators, there’s a vibrant fan base dedicated to showing their love for Persona 5 Royal.

One great example of how much people are enjoying this game can be seen in its active Reddit page. With over 75k members, the r/persona5royal subreddit offers an outlet for discussion about all things related to the game. Players post questions about mechanics or strategies, share screenshots from their playthroughs, or discuss theories about characters and plotlines. There’s also plenty of posts providing helpful tips on everything from farming items to clearing difficult battles. This makes it easy for players new and old alike to get involved in conversations regardless of skill level or experience with P5R.

The internet is no stranger when it comes to helping out gamers who need advice while playing through persona 5 royal too! Twitter users have taken up arms against common enemies by tagging each other using #P5RSquadHelp – whenever someone needs help tackling a tricky boss fight they simply tag others asking if anyone’s available to join in on the action!

Similarly there are pages like p5rquesthelp which offer specific assistance with certain quests and challenges as well as Discord servers dedicated entirely to helping out fellow players either stuck at a certain part or needing general advice throughout their journey – proving just how strong this communities bond really is!
TIP: Don’t forget that you can always reach out for help within your own network – friends, family or even strangers willing enough may provide some invaluable advice along your way!

Persona 5 Royal Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Demo Version Of Persona 5 Royal Available?

Fantasy RPG fans around the world have been eagerly awaiting Persona 5 Royal, an enhanced version of the popular game Persona 5. As anticipation for its launch builds, many people are asking if there is a demo version of the game available to try out beforehand.

The good news is that yes, you can get your hands on a free trial version of Persona 5 Royal before it goes live! The download size is only 20MB and will give players access to select parts of the original story as well as some new content exclusive to P5R. Players who complete this free trial even receive bonus items in their final save file when they purchase and play the full game.

In addition to getting a preview of what’s in store with Persona 5 Royal, downloading this demo also gives gamers a chance to experience the updated interface and menus which make navigating through the game much smoother than ever before. There are plenty of other improvements too—from battle mechanics like Baton Pass allowing characters to share turns more efficiently during combat, to expanded areas, additional music tracks and special events all being included in this definitive edition.

So if you’re looking for something exciting to do while waiting for Person 5 Royal’s release date then why not give this demo version a go? With so much extra content added compared to its predecessor, playing just one hour could be enough time for you decide whether or not it’s worth making the jump into ‘the metaverse’ come March 2020!

How Much Does Persona 5 Royal Cost?

Persona 5 Royal, the latest installment in the highly acclaimed Persona series of video games, is a must-have for fans. However, gamers are likely wondering how much it will cost them. According to research from Statista, sales of console and PC software worldwide reached an all-time high of 48 billion U.S dollars in 2020 – so there’s no surprise that Persona 5 Royal also has quite hefty price tag on it.

In Europe and North America, the game typically retails for around $60 USD (or local equivalent) for both physical and digital copies – however prices can vary depending upon where you purchase your copy from. It should be noted that those who choose to buy physical copies may incur additional costs associated with packaging and shipping fees.

Additionally, some retailers offer special editions or bundles which include extra content such as soundtrack CDs or collectors’ items – these tend to come at slightly higher prices than standard versions.

It’s worth noting that there are ways to get discounts on Persona 5 Royal too – if you’re willing to shop around! Some online retailers have been known to run limited time promotions offering percentage discounts off their listed prices; others might even throw in exclusive bonuses when purchasing through specific sites or services.

Furthermore, many gaming subscription services such as Playstation Plus provide access to discounted versions of popular titles like this one – definitely something worth looking into if you want to save a few bucks while still enjoying the full experience offered by Persona 5 Royal!

Ultimately, whether you choose to pay full price or hunt down bargains elsewhere doesn’t really matter – what matters most is that you enjoy every moment spent playing this captivating game!

Does Persona 5 Royal Have A Multiplayer Mode?

Persona 5 Royal is a highly anticipated game, and many players wonder if it has the option for multiplayer. Fortunately, there are several options available for gamers to enjoy with their friends! In this article, we’ll be looking at what Persona 5 Royal offers in terms of multiplayer mode.

First off, it’s important to note that P5R does have an online component which allows gamers to connect with each other virtually. This means that you can join other players’ games or even create your own lobby for others to join. Here are five key features of Persona 5 Royal’s multiplayer offering:

  1. Cross-play between PlayStation 4 and PC users – The game supports cross-play so you can play together regardless of platform.
  2. Co-op Play – Players will be able to complete certain co-op tasks such as defeating bosses or taking on special challenges.
  3. Arena Battles – Players will be able to compete against one another in arena battles where they must use strategy and skill to win.
  4. Online Events – From time to time, developers may also run online events where players can participate in unique activities for rewards.
  5. Leaderboards – There will be leaderboards so that players can compare their performance with others around the world.

Overall, Persona 5 Royal has plenty of engaging content when it comes to its multiplayer offerings. Whether you’re looking for some competitive fun or just want to hang out with friends while playing through the story mode, there are plenty of ways to do both. It’s sure to keep fans busy until the next installment in the series arrives! With all these exciting features, it’s easy to see why P5R is generating such hype amongst gamers everywhere!

What Platforms Is Persona 5 Royal Available On?

Persona 5 Royal is a highly anticipated video game and the latest installment in the popular Persona series. Players everywhere are eager to get their hands on this exciting new title, but first they have to know what platforms it’s available for. Well, I’m here to tell you that your dreams of playing P5R can come true – no matter which platform you use!

Like many games these days, Persona 5 Royal is available across multiple consoles. You can play it on either Playstation 4 or Playstation 3 if you’re gaming from home. For those who prefer handhelds, there’s even an option on Nintendo Switch as well! With so many choices at hand, there’s never been a better time to jump into the world of Shin Megami Tensei.

The great thing about having access to so many different systems is that gamers around the world can join together in exploring all the wonders of Persona 5 Royal. Whether you’re enjoying its thrilling story mode solo or teaming up with friends online – nothing beats experiencing this amazing title firsthand and taking part in its captivating journey! In short: pick your preferred platform and be prepared for hours upon hours of pure blissful fun!

Are There Any Bonus Rewards For Completing Persona 5 Royal?

If you’re a fan of the Persona series, then completing Persona 5 Royal may be something you feel driven to do. It’s like an irresistible siren song calling out to your inner gamer – and if you heed its call, there are some fantastic rewards in store for you! From unique items to special bonuses that will give your playthrough an extra boost, here are all the benefits of finishing P5R.

Firstly, by successfully making it to the end of this epic role-playing game (RPG), players can look forward to picking up two pieces of exclusive gear. A limited edition mask emblazoned with the logo is available once you’ve met specific conditions within the game, while a physical copy of ‘The Complete Official Guide’ offers helpful tips on how to get through tricky sections or puzzles.

In addition, completing Persona 5 Royal also unlocks some additional content which enhances your experience even further:

  • New Costumes – There are several new costume sets such as swimwear and school uniforms that become accessible after beating the main story.
  • Special Battles – Players who have finished their journey will also be able to revisit certain tough battles they encountered along the way and challenge them again at higher difficulties with better rewards.
  • Extra Characters – After reaching 100% completion rate, three new characters will join your party. These characters possess unique skillsets and abilities which provide interesting combat options for late-game fights.

These bonus rewards make playing Persona 5 Royal a truly rewarding experience – providing plenty of incentive not only for newcomers but existing fans too. So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t already started, why not take this opportunity to experience one of gaming’s most beloved RPGs from start to finish today!

Persona 5 Royal is one of the best games ever made

I have provided a brief overview of the game Persona 5 Royal. To summarize, there is no demo version available for Persona 5 Royal, however it does cost $60 USD to purchase. It has both single-player and multiplayer modes available on PS4 and Switch platforms. There are bonus rewards for completing the game such as exclusive costumes, weapons and more.

In conclusion, Persona 5 Royal is an exciting role-playing adventure that offers plenty of content to explore with friends or by yourself. I highly recommend trying out this captivating experience if you’re looking to get lost in a world full of mystery and intrigue. With multiple ways to play and lots of amazing bonuses at stake, it’s certainly worth checking out!

For me personally, Persona 5 Royal has been an unforgettable journey filled with intense battles, complex characters and beautiful visuals that make all my time spent playing worthwhile. Whether you’re already familiar with the series or not, I’m sure you’ll find something unique about this thrilling title that will keep you coming back for more!

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